Is that the 4?

The other day I left my lady friends apartment in time to catch my bus home.My car's still in the shop,I get off the bus.I decided I'd stop at the grocery store before my transfer bus arrived.I had about 20 minutes before it came.
So I go into the grocery and shop,get everything I need and still I have about10 minutes before my bus comes.It's the first great day we've had without rain since Noah sailed! I lug my bags to the bus stop.I figure I'm on time, a guy is sitting with his shirt off at the bus stop.Hot day.Another lady walks up with a few bags and stands under the kiosk with me, in the shade.A little old lady walks up and I spot a bus coming up the street.She asks,"Can you see what bus that is?"I step out from under the shade and like a sailor scanning the sea,I say it's the 4.She's dressed in a pink house dress, like she was at home.In a cigarette gravelly voice she say,"Thanks!" I gather my stuff ready to ride.I make sure I have my transfer in my pocket, the bus pulls to the stop, it's the 50!House dress gets on the bus.The guy with no shirt stands up and walks up the street, the other lady walks across the street to catch a bus going in the opposite direction.What the hell?! Then I remembered the 50 does stop there and the 4 should be right behind it.I worked in this area before and used to catch the bus from time to time.I go back into the shade and sure enough the 4 is rolling right on time! I pick up my bags and step out into the hot sun. I wave at the bus driver and she waves back. I step into the street expecting her to pull over.She keeps going! Rolls by with a smile and cool dark shades.What the...I look up at the bus stop sign, it only has the 50 listed! I can see her slowing down and I have to run a block with bags, sweating like I'm in a sauna and my baggy cargo shorts about to fall down to my ankles!Luckily, she waited for me, bus air conditioning never felt so good."They moved the stop, just so you know.", she laughed. "I see, thanks so much." I say and plop down in a seat exhausted.


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