Cartoons and Caliphs

We live in a world saturated with images.Every country on the planet has a culture and history of visual art.Art in politics and religion has it's rules and conventions.
When one country flouts the visual conventions of another culture, it seems violence can result.
The recent riots in the Muslim world over the published cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed in Denmark's press, is a great example of the power of art.
Art in politics and religion moves the primal emotions of it's respective audiences, depending on the message, to do good or evil.When the "enemy" defiles the sacred (visual) concept of a religious icon, the Muslim world reacts with a volatility that the West finds incomprehensible.
It is very interesting and disconcerting to think humanity
is that influenced by signs,symbols and imagery.
Media moguls know how to make money, politicians know the right colors to invoke or move the populace to action. Just look at the flag or maybe a swastika.There is usually a knee jerk reaction to both.
The Muslim world must become more sophisticated in their ability to decipher the message from the media, I think.To die for a cartoon, is hardly a worthy death, but I am seeing through Western eyes. Propaganda is still a powerful art. As we move through the 21st century, it seems the world (everyday people) needs to become literate in the rules and conventions of the visual.
It may save your life.


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