Seeing Story,People and Design at Work!

Industrial America is starting to take off at the end of the 1880's and there is a need to get the masses involved and educated.The time consuming typesetting by hand, hinders the growth of publishing and like the
computer industry many start ups tried to solve the problem with fits and starts of innovation.Enter an immigrant from Germany,Otto Merganthaler whose mechanical genius takes a stenographers idea and makes it into the Linotype machine that sets type as fast as the operator can type.
His design becomes the founding of modern typesetting and like Apple today,he continues innovating and
dominates the market with his technology.The film could have ended there but the story deepens with the modern tale of the enthusiasts and technicians who use and maintain the small number of Linotype machines
still in existence.This is the beauty of the film telling the human story of the rise and fall of craftsmanship,
man and machine creating art, type that still inspires the printed page.
The funding for the film was raised through Kickstarter. I am glad the film makers told a timely tale that is entertaining and relevant to the current state of economic conditions.Our lives are dependent on innovation in every area of commerce.I feel the formula is useful to to all who make communications and
want to do it effectively!
"Linotype: The Film" Official Trailer from Linotype: The Film on Vimeo.
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